Membership Information
Thank you for your interest in the Homer Chamber! We represent almost 500 member businesses and organizations primarily throughout the Greater Homer Area. The Homer Chamber of Commerce is at the forefront of navigating responsible, economic growth and fostering a well-connected community. Becoming a member is a way to join those conversations, promote and grow your business, network, and support our community. We invite you to join us and become involved!
What does the Chamber do?
All members receive the following benefits when they join the Homer Chamber of Commerce.
- Connection to other local businesses through our chamber events.
- Information on regulatory and political issues that may affect your business.
- Advocacy efforts on your behalf as the voice for business in the Homer community
- Business showcased on the top travel planning website in Homer
- Your business listed in the Chamber's business directory both online and in the Visitor Guide
- Referrals to your business from calls and visitors to the Visitor Center and through our website listings.
- Business education workshops
- The right to participate in the Homer Bucks program. In 2021, over $235,000 was circulated locally with the Homer Bucks program