Every July, the enchanting town of Homer, Alaska, transforms into a dazzling spectacle of fragrant peonies during its annual Peony Celebration. Renowned as "The City of Peonies," Homer is home to 25 thriving peony farms with ideal growing conditions yielding larger and more vibrant blooms. The event draws admirers globally, offering various activities such as farm tours, workshops, gallery exhibits, and self-guided tours.
Immerse in the Peony Farms
Visitors have the unique opportunity to explore some of the world's most picturesque peony farms, like Alaska Beauty Peony Co-Op, Alaska Perfect Peony, Diamond Ridge Peonies, and Scenic Place Peonies, which offer informative and delightful farm tours.
Experience the Botanical Couture
For an immersive art experience, attend the Fleur de Paeonia Botanical Dress Art Show at Bear Creek Winery, showcasing life-sized designs of captivating peony-centric botanical couture. Scenic Place Peonies and The Floral Source will host the 2nd annual Fleur de Paeonia- Botanical Couture; Floral Mannequin Display at Bear Creek Winery. Friday, July 21st, open to the public from 3-6 pm to meet the talented designers and their creations. The installation will be public on Saturday and Sunday during normal Winery hours.
Partake in Community Events
The celebration includes engaging community events organized by local businesses and non-profits like The Art Shop Gallery, Bunnell Street Arts Center, Grace Ridge Brewery, Homer Council on the Arts, and more.
American Grown Field to Vase Dinner Tour
Join the American Grown Field to Vase Dinner Tour on July 23rd from 5-8 PM at Scenic Place Peonies. Enjoy an evening of local flowers, food, beverages, engaging stories, and lively conversation in an idyllic Alaskan floral setting.
Peony-themed Shopping and Local Breweries
Take home a piece of the celebration with unique peony-themed trinkets from the Art Shop Gallery, Homer Book Store, North Wind Home Collection, and Oodalolly. Don't miss the peony-inspired brews at Bear Creek Winery, Grace Ridge Brewing Co., Odin Mead, and Sweetgale Meadworks & Cider House.
Accommodation and Sponsor Appreciation
Special accommodation reservations can be made through the Homer B&B Association. A heartfelt thanks to our sponsors for making this celebration possible.
Stay Connected
The 4th Annual Homer Peony Celebration is set for July 1-30, 2023. Keep abreast of updates and the full event calendar on our social media or here on our website. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook using #HomerPeonyCelebration and #HomerCityofPeonies.
Don't miss the chance to immerse in the breathtaking beauty of peonies in Homer, Alaska, this July. For more details about the Homer Peony Celebration events, visit HomerAlaska.org or the City of Peony’s social media channels.